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Recipes from Our Postcrossing Friends


Vietnamese Pho Chay


Belarusian Draniki
"Grate potatoes and give the mass a good squeeze. Put potatoes into large bowl, add an onion, egg, flour, salt, milk, oil and pepper. Heat some oil in the frying pan. Put some potato mass onto the frying pan with tablespoon. Fry draniki for 2-3 minutes, t
hen flip and fry on the other side. Serve hot with sour cream. "



Komplet Lepinja
Ingredients: ¨Cream (kaimak), egg (jaie), pork drippings (pretop).¨



Traditional German Cookies
´´You grate one kilogram of potatoes, mix them with about 250 grams of rolled oats, two eggs from happy hens, apple sauce and a tablespoon of salt. Using two spoons, you form cookies (the size of burger patties) and fry them in hot oil.´´



German Cold Soup
´´...eaten on hot days. This is a cold soup with vegetables and sausage, and it´s all poured with cold water mixed with mayonnaise (very tasty). This is national Russian cuisine.´´



¨It´s a porridge made of rice with honey and nuts added to it.Ït is so delicious and unusual. My loved ones prefer to pour the porridge with dried fruit compote, but I like it better this way!¨



Eight-Treasured Porridge
¨It´s a sweet porridge mixed with rice, peanuts, beans, lotus seed, and so on. On laba festival (Lunar Dec. 8th)"


Lithuanian Tree Cake
¨You will need: 36 eggs, 1 kg sugar, 1.3 kg flour, 1 kg butter, 3 glasses of sour cream.
Stir the butter and sugar with a wooden spoon in a large clay bowl. Add eggs one by one, add a spoon of sour cream until all eggs and sour cream are used. Then add flour. And mix everything well.
The tree cake should be baked in front of the fire, on a wooden or metal slightly thinning roller. Cover it with a cloth or baking sheet and place it on two racks to rotate. 
At the bottom, place a baking tin to collect the fallen dough. Fire the furnace with ash tree or birch fire
wood. Continually rolling the roller slowly pour the dough onto it. After pouring the first layer, bake the dough until it's yellowish, then pour another layer of dough and so on. Hold the baked tree cake for about an hour on the roller then take it off the fire to cool down and only not less than 1 hour later the dough can be removed from the ends of the roller and the tree cake can be taken off. "


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